GRACE NOTES Volume LVII – December 2014
2422 American Legion Blvd.
Mountain Home, Idaho 83647
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This time of year seems to be all about anticipation – anxious waiting. At least, that’s my definition of this anticipation. For some that anxiousness stems from the excitement of all the good things the holiday season brings – good food, gatherings, beautiful decorations and tempting packages wrapped up with shiny paper and beautiful bows. Will it ever be “the day”? Will it EVER get here?
For others that anxiousness stems from all the work that must be done to bring about all those things – the cooking, the cleaning, the decorating, the shopping and the wrapping. Will there be time enough? Will there be money enough? Will there be energy enough?
For yet others that anxiousness stems from another holiday season that doesn’t meet our vision of what the ideal holiday should be – another family gathering filled with tension and disagreements or perhaps no family gathering at all. How bad will it be THIS year? Will I always be alone while all around me others all have someone they love to spend this special time with?
We can get so caught up in the anticipation we lose sight of what we are anticipating.
One of my most favorite Christmas classics is “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss. I love it when the Grinch has an amazing revelation after he discovers that Christmas came without all of the “stuff” that he had stolen from the Whos in Whoville. “And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
Christmas does mean a little bit more. In fact, Christmas means a whole lot more. It means that God loves us so much that he sent his Son into this world to meet us where we are. He came to us.
Christmas is not about all the packages and parties and decorations. The packages and parties and decorations are a way to celebrate the fact that God loves us more than we can ever begin to imagine.
Blessings as you celebrate the glorious birth of this child sent to us as the ultimate Christmas gift.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Tammy
Ringing in a New Era for Lutheran Community Services
The Lutheran Community Services annual banquet on October 18th helped “Ring in a New Era” in fine fashion. David Duea, the new President/CEO, greeted the gathering and shared his passion and excitement for Lutheran Community Services Northwest’s mission of partnering with individuals, families and communities for health, justice, and hope. Your generosity of support through attendance at the banquet, your contributions, and your prayers has been proof of the wonderful power of partnership. Funds received exceeded expectations!!!
As we move into the holiday season please prayerfully consider giving a gift to LCS in honor of that one person who has everything and you just can't think of what to give him/her. Give a gift to change the life of someone in need. The LCS office will help you make your giving happen.
May Our Lord shower you with love and abundance now and throughout the New Year!
Along with you in Christ’s ministry,
Charlotte Combe, Director
Lutheran Community Services
Phone: 208-323-0996 x12
THE PENTECOST SEASON ended with Christ the King Sunday. The colors for the paraments were white and gold, signifying royalty. The title “Christ” quickly became a name for Jesus even during the Biblical period, and many today think of it simply as a surname. Christ originally is the Greek translation of Messiah, which literally means “the anointed one.” The Messiah was the king who would come in the end time, appointed by God to restore the fortune of His people Israel. When the title was applied to Jesus the church was claiming that he indeed was this king. Its importance is shown by the fact that it is the most common title for Jesus in the New Testament. The church year festival of Christ the King reflects this view of Jesus as Messiah, Christ the King.
THE ADVENT SEASON begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day (December 25). Two themes dominate the Advent season: hope and preparation. These themes focus on the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and on the second coming of Christ.
Blue, the color of hope, is the suggested liturgical color for the season of Advent. Traditionally, the color purple was used for the Advent Season. Purple suggests royalty and brings to mind the theme of preparation for the coming of the King.
(Submitted by Laurice Bentz)
Help wanted
Grace Lutheran Church is looking for a motivated bookkeeper to maintain our church books using QuickBooks, write checks, maintain paper records, build reports and present them to the church council at monthly meetings.
About two to three hours a week. Pay is the satisfaction of doing a good and worthwhile job.
See Steve Gustafson for more details.
Offering for November
Nov. 2 $1625.25
Nov. 9 $1063.50
Nov. 16 $ 970.25
Nov. 23 $1603.25
Total $5262.25
Food Pantry
Thank you to everyone who donated to "Stuff the Bus" and also to Zach's Boy Scout Troop who helped fill the bus. We will be doing the Christmas boxes; so your donations really help out.
At our distribution on November 19, 2014 we served over 200 families and over 600 people.
We are planning on 250 families for December. We are in need of turkeys.
Advent Soup and Mid-week Services will be at 6:00 PM Wednesdays December 3 and 10 and Thursday Dec 18. We will be doing some Reader’s Theatre skits at the services this year. Christmas Eve Worship will be December 24 at 7:00 PM. Please invite friends and family to join you at this service.
Volume LIV – August 2014
The slaves said to him, "Then do you want us to go and gather them?" But he replied, "No; for in gathering the weeds you would uproot the wheat along with them. Let both of them grow together until the harvest."
Matthew 13:28a-30a
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Like a lot of you probably did, I watched the news reports of the passenger plane shot down over Ukraine with a mixture of disbelief and horror. Why would anyone do such a thing?
As I read through this passage from Matthew I am struck by the thought that this tragedy could be seen as an extreme case of trying to pull out the weeds and uprooting the crop at the same time.
Isn't that the point of war - to get rid of the weeds; the perceived enemy? Whoever fired that missile thought they were justified in their actions because of what they thought the plane was - an aircraft belonging to an enemy.
I realize that's a pretty extreme example of weeding, but we all tend to do some weeding of our own. So, what kind of weeding do we do? Who do we assume certain things about? Who do we see as a lost cause and write off?
Ahh, but the point is it's not our job to write off anyone. Our job is not to pull up the weeds we see around us. Our job is to live among the weeds we see around us. Our job is to love the weeds we see around us – to care for them.
God's job is the weeding. Our job is growing into the best crop we can be. Because of the work God has already done through the death and resurrection of Jesus we are free to live among the weeds around us and model God's love for his world through us.
In Christ's love,
Pastor Tammy
We are in the middle of the Pentecost Season. The season is known as the Time of the Church. The theme of the season center on life in Christ’s church.—what it means to live between Jesus earthly ministry and the time when He comes again Many of the gospel readings will center on Jesus teachings especially the parables.
Green , the color of new life, symbolizes Christian GROWTH during this season. This is especially meaningful as part of our Mission Statement is GROWTH others are GATHER AND GIVE.
Webster s definition of grow -growth: 1. To come into being or developing or thrive 2. To increase etc, The Long Range Planning Committee has chosen GROWTH as one area of emphasis in the coming months. Growing in numbers is a need, however ‘Spiritual Growth” is also of vital importance to ourselves as well as enabling Grace Lutheran to attract newcomers. Realizing this, the Education Committee has made plans designed for the whole congregation to GROW. Starting with the Sunday School:
First will be RALLY DAY. This is a kick off to our revamped Sunday School which hopefully is exciting and attractive to the ‘oldsters’ as well as ‘youngsters’. Special activities will be fun (Balloon send-off) etc.
Classes will include Nursery with our ever faithful teacher Marsha Lutz……
An Integrated Class with 1st through 6th grades. New material has been ordered for this group as many smaller churches are having success with it. Luther Hall rooms are being refurbished to accommodate this class and there is a need for a lead teacher and assistant and substitutes. Please prayerfully consider participating in this very important role in our church.
Pastor will teach a Confirmation class
The Adult Forum will be discussing “ Kingdom Living” with Laurice as moderator. It has been said we are never too old to learn so please be encouraged to sit in on this group. All are welcome.
Small Interest groups are also being discussed. Any suggestions? Put in Suggestion box in the Narthex.
LEARNING IS LIKE FOOD FOR THE SOUL AND SPIRIT. Psalm 119 has a lot to say about learning:..verse 2: How blessed are those who observe His testimonies. Who seek Him with all their heart. Verse 105: Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet. A light to my path. Matthew 11: 28“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.v.29 Take My yoke upon you and LEARN from Me for I am gentle and humble of heart; AND YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. The Bible contains many truths --- reason to keep LEARNING AND LEARNING
Submitted by Laurice Bentz
Our Mission Spotlight for July and August is Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Idaho. Lutheran Campus Ministry offers a nurturing family environment for students seeking direction, growth, and fellowship along their faith journeys through worship, Bible study, social activities, and opportunities for service. Our synod is in the process of trying to set up a Lutheran Campus Ministry at Boise State also. The funds to run these programs come mostly from donations.
Volunteers Needed
There are plenty of openings on the Sunday Servants list and the Altar Guild list. If there’s something you think you might like to do but aren’t sure you know how talk to Pastor Tammy. She may not know how either but she’ll find someone who does who will gently give you direction. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to serve the community of Grace and possibly grow in your own faith just because you’ve never done that before. There was a time when all of us had never done that before either!
***We will be once again offering training for ushers, altar guild and communion assistants. Date to be determined.
Lutheran Community Services News David Duea joined Lutheran Community Services Northwest as president/CEO on July 1, 2014. David comes to the agency from HopeSparks Family Services in Tacoma, Washington, where he had been CEO since 2001. He has served in the non-profit human services field since graduating from Pacific Lutheran University in 1989 and has extensive experience with services focusing on the needs of youth and families. His Lutheran and social ministry roots run deep—his father, Bob Duea, was Executive Director of Lutheran Family Service of Oregon in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, and later worked for Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. David and his family make their home in Gig Harbor, Washington. David recently expressed his excitement in stepping into his new role: “I’m honored and humbled to have been selected for this position, and am looking forward to meeting all of the supporters, partners and stakeholders who are championing health, justice, and hope. I am firmly committed to continuing the transformative work of Roberta Nestaas and her team.” SAVE THE DATE: Plan to meet David Duea at the Lutheran Community Services of Idaho Annual Banquet set for October 18 at the Club House Event Center in Boise. Social Hour: 4-5p; Dinner and Program: 5-7p Contact Charlotte Combe (323-0996x12 or if you are interested in sponsoring the event, hosting a table, or providing a silent auction item.
The Blessing of Backpacks will be on August 10 at worship at 10 AM. If you will be attending school this fall, you are invited to bring your backpack to be blessed!
The council is looking for someone to chair or co-chair the AFAD Food Booth September 6th.. You would have lots of help from the members. The fee for the booth has already been paid. The plan is to sell hot dogs, brats, and drinks again. If you are willing to do this, please contact Aaron Barrett at: 580-4015 Watch for sign-up sheets to volunteer to work in the Food Booth and to donate supplies. Thank you!!
Game Night is coming back!! The next Game Night will be Friday, August 15 at 6 PM. Bring some food to share and games that you like to play. This is very informal and everyone is invited, including guests!
There will be a Bunco Night on Friday, August 22 at King of Glory Lutheran Church in Boise from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Leann Barrett has tickets for sale for $15. This includes a dinner of lasagna, salad, and bread. Proceeds will be donated to the Malaria Fund.
We are collecting School Supplies for Hacker Middle School. See the school supply lists for 5th and 6th grades. Especially needed are many of the lower cost supplies like paper, pencils, colored pencils and erasers.
Grace Lutheran Church: 587-4513 August----2014 Pastor Tammy Heimgartner: c 509-431-5146 h 587-5357